Your spine is made up of bones, their joints , discs, and the muscles and the ligaments that hold it all together. At any time, one or more of these structures can be injured. Injuries can result in a two-or-three day period of acute pain and swelling in the injured tissue, followed by gradual healing and reduction of pain. The pain may be felt in the neck, in the shoulder, down the arms or in headaches . Onset of pain may be immediate or occur some hours after exertion or an injury. There may be a slow onset – pain gradually increases over several days or weeks
Pain or deep ache of the neck, shoulder or arm. There may be burning or tingling of the arm or hand or headaches. Pain can be continuous, or occur when you are in a certain position. It may be be aggravated by turning your head, looking up or looking down. It can result in limited range of motion of the neck. Stiffness of the neck and shoulder muscles.
• Improper posture.
• Severe blow or fall, car accident, heavy lifting.
• Sleeping without good neck support.
• Turning over while you are asleep. Then waking up with a “stiff neck.”
• Degenerated/ruptured cervical disc.
• Spondylosis (hardening and stiffening of the spinal column).
• Often there is no obvious cause.
At B Enhanced we can help treat neck pain. Osteopathy can help treat stiffness and discomfort, improve recovery time and promote blood flow. We can help to assess areas of improvement and provide treatment options for neck pain. We will provide an assessment or examination to help determine the source of pain and its behaviour in the body. The location of the pain and how it behaves can provide an understanding of the underlying physiological problem and provide a treatment plan.
Osteopathy can help create an appropriate exercise regimen, improve the nerve function, correct poor posture and develop the muscles of the cervical spine.